March, 2015
First video from Island of the Dolls is live. Goat Castle
January 1, 2015
5 song live EP from the Island of the Dolls release party.
Live at Pyramid Atlantic. Free! (donations welcome).
Nov 22. 2014
Album Release Party
Saturday Nov. 22nd, 2014 at 7:00pm
Pyramid Atlantic Art Center in Silver Spring, Maryland
Nov. 2014
New Studio Album
The Island of the Dolls
We are currently working on more videos for:
The Island of the Dolls (La Isla de las Muñecas)
Two sisters, Lila Anne and Cura Row, lost their mother at young ages. Their father and their
stepmother, Celinda, abandoned them and, through whatever means available to them,
the girls make it to adulthood. As Lila Anne is raising a baby on her own, the stepmother
reemerges and petitions the court to take custody of the infant. The stepmother promptly
turns up dead.
Detectives see a long string of promising suspects, including both sisters, all turning out to
have tight alibis. The younger sisters’ explanations to the detective that their step-mother was
murdered by something not of this world grows undeniable by the film’s end.
Past shows